Preparing for Winter

2 Possible Reasons Why The Burner In Your Home's Gas Furnace Refuses To Ignite

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After noticing that your home’s gas furnace is not kicking on when it should, you may have stood next to it to try to find out why. Although you can hear a clicking noise, you may have found that the burner is not lighting up when it should. If this is the case, the clicking noise you are hearing is the electric igniter attempting to ignite the gas to produce the flame for the burner.…

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Knowing When It's Time: Signs Your Heat Pump Needs To Be Replaced

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Heat pumps are an efficient and eco-friendly way to heat and cool your home, but like any appliance, they have a limited lifespan. As your heat pump ages, its performance can decline, leading to higher energy bills and reduced comfort. If you’re noticing any of these signs that your heat pump needs to be replaced, it’s likely time for a new one. Age of the Heat Pump One of the most critical factors in determining whether your heat pump needs replacement is its age.…

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The Benefits Of Spray Foam Insulation: A Guide For Homeowners And HVAC Contractors

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As temperatures drop, HVAC contractors are fielding more requests for insulation upgrades. Homeowners are looking for ways to keep their homes warm and comfortable during the winter months, while also reducing their energy bills. One popular solution is spray foam insulation. Spray foam insulation is a type of insulation that is applied as a liquid and then expands into a foam. It is a popular choice for homeowners because it can be applied to areas that are difficult to reach, such as crawl spaces and attics.…

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